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The new novel by Frank Myer and Gabriella Draney

A Light-Hearted Fable on How to Survive
and Thrive in the Online Dating World

Don’t Put the Cart Before the Unicorn tells the story of Jack and Alice, two lonely hearts searching for love online. Little do they know that the owners of the dating agency they hire to help them have made a bet on their love lives.

Michelle and Frank are partners in the Guardian Angels dating service. "We guard your heart" is their motto.

Jack is a highly sought-after programmer who thinks love should work just like the programs he creates. He is oh, so wrong.

Alice, a true empty-nester, finds the courage to break out of her shell of loneliness. Frank and Michelle help her reenter the dating world, and find her resolution to a particular devastating dating disaster.

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Don't Put the Cart Before the Unicorn - A book by Frank Myer
Alfred and Bill - A Screenplay

Also by Frank

Alfred and Bill - A Screenplay

This story unfolds in heaven as Bill, the junior angel, enters the Senior Angel Breakroom looking for Jesus. Alfred, the angel with seniority, is appalled at the young angel's audacity to enter his sacred sanctum. Alfred and Bill watch as the life of Jesus unfolds, learning lessons along the way, and trying to understand God's love for mankind.


A Handful of Reviews from Verified Readers on Amazon

I binged this book in 3 hours. First thought... you have a plausible sitcom with a number of valuable messages and take-aways about modern life and relationships here. I usually have a good idea where the plot is heading... but not this time. Worth the read.

The dating world from the viewpoint of the "matchmakers." By reading this book you can gain some insight on putting yourself back on the playing field! It's a novel, it's a Self-Help Guide, it's inspiring. But above all it's a good read! Looking forward to a sequel.

A rip-roaring ride through the jungles of singleness, laced with unexpected twists and turns. It's sure to make you laugh all the while taking you on an insightful journey through dating 21st Century style. The dating tips alone make this book more than worthwhile.



Novelist and Screenwriter

Frank Myer realized the value of fiction the day his dad inquired about the permanent family centerpiece, “who broke the crystal bowl?”

His respect for fiction flourished in High School when he got away with earning a top grade for his book report on the non-existant Taking Another Hill by a Frank E. Meyers.

Don’t Put the Cart Before the Unicorn is Myer’s first published novel. His two additional novels, screen and stage plays currently await discovery.

Not one to miss an opportunity, Frank capitalized on his short-lived experience in the age of digital dating. Accessing uncharted territory, Frank and his female co-author offer a glimpse into how the other side experiences dating apps, etiquette, and how a perpetual pen pal can be moved to action. Readers will get their money’s worth from the advanced search methods alone.

Frank was born and raised in Philadelphia and resides in Dallas. He can sometimes be found at a Dallas Cowboy game wearing his Eagles cap. He’s a bi-polar sports fan.

Frank Myer - Novelist and Screenwriter

Do you have an on-line dating story to share? Frank would like to hear your most unbelievable (but true) experience for consideration in the future publication of Truth: Stories from a Unicorn.

Submit your story (500 words or less) below: